Waiting for Fall
NewsIt's been far too long since we've updated the news and it's been a long, hot summer here in Denver. However, we have been blessed with a tremendous growing season as evidenced by our latest newsletter and quite simply the amount of food we've…
Harvest, Feast, Community, and Nourishment – in pictures
NewsWant an idea of what we've been up to? Wondering what you've been missing? Weve been documenting some of the gardens and how they grow - you'll see some progressions below - and have hosted two Feasts on our back porch. Here are some recent…
NewsA little over a month after our Garden Grand Opening the gardens are growing and producing - over 15 pounds of lettuce and several pounds of radishes have already been harvested and distributed. The peas are now starting to show which means…
Reaping What Someone Else Sowed
NewsHere's a lesson in grace...as we prepare beds in our yards we sometimes find plants that had planted who knows when. There have been strawberries, rhubarb, and today - onions. Lots and lots of onions. All of these onions came from one…
Roots and Shoots – the day after
NewsWhat a tremendous day. The Table Gardens are officially launched and blessed as a result of yesterday's event. By rough estimation (very rough) there were around 70 people who came at some point during the 2-hour extravaganza. We planted…
Opening Up
NewsWe're only a few days away from Roots and Shoots - our garden grand opening. We're looking forward to a great celebration on Sunday afternoon and hope you can make it. The details can be found on the invitation on our homepage. In the…