A little over a month after our Garden Grand Opening the gardens are growing and producing – over 15 pounds of lettuce and several pounds of radishes have already been harvested and distributed. The peas are now starting to show which means it will probably be a busy week keeping an eye on them. So, it’s time to host The Feast. Here’s the email invite we sent out over the weekend…consider yourself invited!
The Table invites you to our first Feast of the 2012 growing season. We will be hosting two such gatherings each month (check out our website
www.denvertable.org for more dates) with our first one taking place next Sunday, June 10, at 5 PM.
We’ll provide a dish to pass and share that features fresh produce from The Table gardens. Sometimes we will also feature a local chef who will offer expertise on how to prepare fresh produce for consumption. We invite you to bring a dish to pass and share – hot or cold, doesn’t matter. You’re also welcome to bring a beverage to serve and share.
Each time we’ll provide food for thought – a topic for conversation along with some thoughts and questions to prompt and guide discussion around the table. We require no preparation and no minimum level of education or age to participate – just bring open minds and ears so as to learn from and about the others in your community. Sometimes we will include activity that helps to practice the topic of conversation.
Sunday, June 10 from 5 to 7 PM, and occurring regularly twice a month throughout the summer – see our website for upcoming dates (
Our new home – 1641 S. Corona St., Denver, CO 80210….yes, we’re moving again. Hopefully for the last time in a while.
We’ll be gathering on the back patio under the awning, overlooking one of our 15 garden locations.
1. RSVP by replying to this email – or sending a new one – to
crgbrk@hotmail.com. We want to be sure to have enough space for everyone.
2. Bring a dish to share and invite a friend.
4. Repeat every two weeks.
We look forward to joining you next week Sunday!
P.S. If you wish to no longer receive emails detailing events of The Table, please respond to this email by stating so (kindly, please!)
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