photo of beets in a bunch

14th Distribution of the Season

We're about to enter the final four weeks of our season (barring an early killing frost) and here's what you'll find in your shares for the week: Winter squash, onions, potatoes, kale, salad greens, beets, radishes,

16th Distribution – Sept. 22

It's nearing the end of the growing season and yet The Table gardens continue to produce beautiful bounty. Here is a list of what you will find in your share this week: Acorn squash, spaghetti squash, potatoes, zucchini/summer squash, eggplant,…

15th Distribution – 9/15/14

Greetings fellow eaters! We're thrilled to have survived the two cool days...and two frigid nights. Thanks to some very dedicated workers, many plants were covered up in time for the frost last week and we should be good to go for the remainder…

More Produce: 11th Distribution of the Season

The vegetables are coming and we look forward to seeing you tonight between 6 and 8 PM. Here is the list of the vegetables that will be available (PLEASE WASH YOUR PRODUCE!): Sweet Corn Arugula Tatsoi Beets Beet Greens Swiss Chard Kale Eggplant Tomatoes Peppers Zucchini…

10th Distribution

We look forward to seeing you for the 10th time this season. Can you believe we're this far along already? Summer is flying by! Here's what you can expect to find in your share on Monday evening - remember, we're here from 6-8 PM and please…