2024 Garden Recap
The Table 2024 Garden Recap
How can we measure the impact of our gardening efforts? We have calculated pounds harvested, numbers of volunteers, volunteer hours spent in the garden, and the number of returning volunteers and families…

Thanksgiving in the Garden
On a cold late autumn day, the community gathered in the garden to read sacred passages and scatter nutrients back onto the soil. With readings from Aldo Leopold, Genesis 1, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Wendell Berry, words of wisdom from tribal nations…

2024 Fall Garden Update
2024 Fall Garden Update:
How can we measure the impact of our gardening efforts? We have calculated pounds harvested, numbers of volunteers and volunteer hours spent in the garden, number of returning volunteers and families served.…

2024 Grant Awards
$70,000 HDR Grant allowed us to purchase an electric van for transporting produce and tools.
$3,200 Colorado Garden Foundation for planting a living fence, fruiting trees, a sensory garden and tea garden.
$1,500 from Denver Community…

We Went to the Movies
Last week, members of the Table were able to go see the movie “The Biggest Little Farm” at Chez Artiste Theatre. The film was beautifully shot-- and we were able to see parallels with our own “big little farm” with the farm depicted…

Annual St. Patrick’s Day Pea Planting Party
NewsIt's time! The dry, warm spring weather in Denver has urged us to get seeds in the ground but we have resisted - with the exception of one annual tradition. St. Patrick's Day has become the lucky traditional day to get your peas in the ground.…

Summer Newsletter
NewsIt's time to get another version of Table Talk out to the masses! In this issue we're celebrating Ethan, one of our Table garden hosts, we're celebrating the gift of community partners, and we've featured a recipe for safely washing those amazing…

Spring Newsletter
NewsThis summer we are launching a regular newsletter to communicate with our local community all the great things we're up to. Click the link below to read the latest. Enjoy!
Spring 2016 Newsletter